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Coatsworth Grain Facility Demolition

Coatsworth Grain Facility Demolition

Another ghn Group Project Coatsworth Grain Facility DemolitionProject Owner: Sylvite Agr-Services— Project overview Asbestos abatement of administration building and sealant on silos, complete demolition of 8 concrete silos, 4 steel silos and all overhead conveyor...
Adelaide Street North Demolition – Various Locations

Adelaide Street North Demolition – Various Locations

Another ghn Group Project Adelaide Street North Demolition – Various LocationsProject Owner: The Corporation of the City of London— Project overview Complete demolition of various sites in preparation of the City of London’s Adelaide Street North Rail...
St. Robert Catholic Elementary School Demolition

St. Robert Catholic Elementary School Demolition

Another ghn Group Project St. Robert Catholic Elementary School DemolitionProject Owner: Housing Development Corporation— Project overview Asbestos abatement, demoltion and removal of former catholic elementary school in preparation for resdential development...
Demolition of 2 Ferry Dock Hill

Demolition of 2 Ferry Dock Hill

Another ghn Group Project Demolition of 2 Ferry Dock HillProject Owner: The Corporation of the City of Sarnia— Project overview Absestos abatement, demoliton and removal of structure cantilevered over the St. Clair River b3lineicon|b3icon-map-location||Map Location...
175-181 King Street Demolition

175-181 King Street Demolition

Another ghn Group Project 175-181 King Street DemolitionProject Owner: Southside Construction (London) Ltd.— Project overview Asbestos abatement, selective demolition, building separation and removal of streetscape attached to heritage building, which was required to...