ghn Services: Infrastructure
Creating the infrastructure that keeps communities moving.
For over fifteen years the ghn Group has delivered comprehensive infrastructure solutions for large private and civil infrastructure projects. Communities thrive through efficient motion and so does every ghn project. Our credentialed and resourceful leadership are experts in the critical planning and implementation required to keep a project moving while delivering an uncompromising standard of execution – on time and on budget.
Road Construction
Comprehensive and efficient road reconstruction services for large private or cvil infrastructure projects. Our highly skilled and resourceful team employ industry leading standards of execution including:
- Extensive reconstruction fleet
- Advanced GPS technology
- Strict adherence to all applicable municipal, provincial and federal requirements
- Extensive experience in permit applications and approval requisites
- Insurance and bonding
- New roads
- Rehabilitation of existing roads
- Bridgework
- Road Widening
- Paving
Sewer & Watermain
Expertise in open cut sewer and watermain installation. 15+ years installation experience in a broad range of pipe classes including plastic, concrete, and concrete pressure pipe.
Additional competencies in related infrastructure services including:
- Precast oil grit separators
- Precast box culverts
- Precast headwalls
- CSP culverts
- Subsurface storm water management systems
- Fiberglass storm water holding tanks, cisterns, and fire water storage tanks
Site Servicing
Complete site servicing capabilities encompassing water supply and distribution systems, sanitary sewer collection and access roads.
Efficient and safe excavation and earthworks solutions for greenfield and brownfield development projects.
Executional excellence through expert planning, skilled and experienced site crew and best-in-class equipment portfolio. Services include:
- Bulk, Strip, Muck, Footing, Trench, and Topsoil Excavation
- Ditching, Backfill, Grading, Hauling and Shoring Services