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Another ghn Group Project

Talbot Village Phase 2 & 3 Pond Cleanout
Project Owner: Speyside East Corporation

Project overview

Install erosion and sediment controls, dewatering of stormwater management facility (SWMF) utilizing Aqua Dams at the pond’s inlet and bypass controls, liase with Environmental Inspector to relocate fish, amphibian and widlife as per Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) guidlines, removal of sedment from each ponds forebay and main cell including disposal at an approved disposal site.

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Settlement Trail
London, Ontario

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  • Excavate and dispose of 3000m3 of contaminated pond sediment at an approved disposal site 
  • Restoration of sod areas with imported screened topsoil and hydroseed





Contact the team at ghn Group for new business enquiries and RFP information.