Another ghn Group Project
South Point Subdivision Phase 1
Project Owner: Pinnacle Quality Homes Inc.
Project overview
Complete earthworks, full depth construction of road for 32 lot subdivision complete inlcuding service connections. Sanitary connection to Highway #4 in Exeter with traffic control measures in place. Construction access shared with Hospice, their access was prioritized and accommodated at all times.

70776 London Road
Exeter Ontario
- Topsoil strip and stockpile 17500m3
- Onsite cut to fill 13000m3 – Sanitary sewers (200mm and 250mm dia.) 600m – Storm sewers (300 to 600mm dia.) 660m
- Construction of two onsite SWM Ponds
- Watermain (150mm) 703 m
- Road Construction 717 m
- Granular Bases (‘A & B’) 9625 tonnes
- Asphalt (Binder) 900 tonnes
- Curb Construction 1434m